On Saturday July 21, 2007 at 1900 hours Wicomico Central alerted Station 6 - Parsonsburg for a motor vehicle accident with injuries at the intersection of Westbound Ocean Gateway and Walston Switch Road. On dispatch, Central advised of there being one patient with minor injuries and that MSP was on location. EMS 7 and Ambulance B6 were the first units to respond followed shortly by Rescue Engine 604 with 622 (Lt. J. Foreman) and Traffic Control 6. 641 (EMS Lt. J.T. Tyler) was first on the scene and advised responding units that the accident would be East of the intersection. After the EMS unit, Rescue Engine 604 arrived and 622 established Ocean Gateway Command with a 2 vehicle MVC involving a Maryland State Police car. As personnel initiated patient care and secured the vehicles, Traffic Control 6 and other Station 6 Fire Police maintained a safer scene by closing the slow lane of Westbound Rt 50. Ambulance B6 transported 2 priority 3 patients to PRMC and 1 patient refusal was obtained, all other units cleared the scene within a half hour.
Units On Scene: Ambulances A6 & B6, Rescue Engine 604, Traffic Control 6, & EMS 7.