Parsonsburg Firefighters - Get A New Look
Saturday, July 7, 2018
Friday March 02, 2007 was an exciting day when members of Parsonsburg Vol. Fire Co. learned that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2006 Assistance to Firefighters Grant had been awarded in the amount of $54,862. The excitement continued today when the new turnout gear, that was purchased with the grant money, arrived. The 25 new sets of gear have given Parsonsburg Firefighters a new look with the 2 tone Scotchlite Reflective trim. The remaining grant money will be paying for a new gear washer that will be used to maintain the new gear, delivery is expected soon. A special Thank You goes to Captain Leigh Tyler for coordinating the ordering process and to Chief White and Deputy Chief Rickards for their work on obtaining this very competative grant.