Parsonsburg Receives - 2007 Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant Award
Saturday, July 7, 2018
The Maryland DNR Forest Service announced the 2007 Volunteer Fire Assistance grant awards to Maryland Volunteer Fire Departments. Parsonsburg Vol. Fire Co. was awarded $3000 toward its $6542 project to purchase 2 new portable radios to enhance communications. This year, 53 volunteer fire departments from 15 counties applied for grant funds requesting $125,339 in 50/50 match funding for $293,322 in total project costs. Projects were focused on increasing capacity for wildland fire suppression needs in rural communities. Grant funds provided by the USDA Forest Service were utilized to fund 35 applications this year. Maxixmum grant award was 50% of the total project cost with a maximum of $3000 per department. Grant applications were very competative and funding was only available to assist 2/3 of the volunteer fire departments that applied this year.