Shortly before 630 this morning, Station 6 was alerted for Tanker 608 to assist units from Fruitland, Salisbury Sta. 1, & Allen with a fully involved house fire. All occupants were able to safely get out of the residence. The fire caused heat damage to houses on each side of it. Upon clearing the scene, Tanker 608 provided cover-up at Station 3 until some other came available. Units on Scene: Fruitland - E301, Ta305, Traffic 3, PMA3; Salisbury - E/T 1-1, TK1; Allen - E/T 15-1; Parsonsburg - Ta608; Pricess Anne - E/T 512; Maryland State Fire Marshals Office.
Nature: Medical Emergency
City: Sali
Nature: Automatic Alarm
31481 Old Ocean City Rd Sali, MD
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