Minor Damage to Home - In Kilbernie
Saturday, July 7, 2018
Just before 1030 this morning, Stations 6, 1, & 7 were alerted for a residential structure fire at 5865 Dundee Drive in the Kilbernie community. The report was smoke coming from under the house. Upon arrival, crews confirmed the report and began investigating the source. The crew of E703 went into the crawl space while E/T1-1's crew went inside. The investigation revealed a significant amount of heat on the floor around the fireplace. The investigation crews consulted with command and decided to start opening up the area. The fire was found in the floor joists and subfloor. The fire was quickly knocked and then crews completed overhaul and smoke removal. Thanks for the great teamwork by the 3 companies.
Units on Scene: E605, T608, PMA6, E/T1-1, E703, TK7, R7, Deputy Chief 6, & Station 6 Fire Police.